Saturday, February 14, 2009


I don't think I've ever celebrated the day. Either been single looking into the ritual or not single and had a denouncer of the poor saint as a partner. My previous long term girlfriend actually was often preoccupied with making sure her father's birthday was well taken care of on his special day. Think I've imagined what it would be like. Be often along the lines of some outing specifically picked to relive the emotion of a first date. The food, fun and excitement with of course an almost definite twist of some wanton uninhibited activity of passion behind bedroom doors (or perhaps not) at the evening's end. I caught a twitter from Veronica Belmont yesterday commenting about how it sucked that people wait for this day to do something extrordinary for their partner. Though I do want to agree and not fall into a marketing conspiracy to buy cards, trinkets, and boxes of chocolate I twitted in response that if we did that special something everyday it would eventually become ordinary and we would have to come up with something else special to take its place... Have a wonderful Valentines day.

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