Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Eventual.

It's pre-2009, morning.

Started the year with many ends - end of a long relationship, end of a virtual friendship, and even the end of a very brief virtual relationship. I was just coming out of a breakdown which affected the center of my world - my work. I was some what addicted to playing my World of Warcraft characters but what much else cool is there to do out there when you are in a depression of sorts.

It's been a year of change. I found out I was diabetic type 2 which means thankfully no meds necessary but intense lifestyle changes required. Oddly in hindsight, it was probably the best bad news I could get at 36 since it has pushed me to take care of my health. I dropped my 2 liter a day of pepsi habit for hardcore water bottles. Got out more, and took some gym courses at the local university. Lost 30 pounds - though I've been feeling that I have gained some of it back over the holidays.

I fell in love and had the most romantic summer of my life. And though it had ended on a bad note I will always appreciate the good memories I have and the person I have become because of it. And though you would think another failed relationship would push one to the life of solace it has surprisingly pushed me to re-live a muddled part of my life - dating. Thankfully, at 36 the experience has somewhat been rejuvinating. The flurry of social groups I have waded into on the web has renewed my hope that one can still find life long friendships nearing 40 and out of school.

So it's the last day of a year of change. I'm happily single and somewhat back on my game at work. Looking forward to a bigger and better year. To all my friends and followers - best wishes to the next year.

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