Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Week Back to Business...

It's been a busy week.  So busy I've had to seriously watch my bedtimes to keep up. And I have not had time to keep faithful to my blogs, twits, and podcasts...

I have, however, kept up with my slowly developing social life. A flurry of activity scheduling of Meet-Ups and singles events ranging from round table discussions of paranormal activity to watching Oscar contenders.

Things I have learned about myself these weeks - not a whole lot this time other than that I like mohitos... I have, on the plus side, met some new people and learned that I have more in common with some people in my new social circle than I thought. I have also reconnected with some old friends and family and went through some kind of mini day of reckoning from it.

I have been feeling something is coming up on the horizon though I'm not quite sure whether it is good or bad or an inkling of where or who to expect it from. Despite my skeptical nature the holiday blues has got me hungry for change and waiting anxiously closed eyes and feet forward.

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